One review on 07 Apr 2017



Director : Grímur Hákonarson 

synopsis extract: Two brothers who haven't spoken for 40 years living as neighbours on farms in isolated valley in Iceland breeding prizewinning local rare sheep. ...


  • Charlotte Bøving 
  • Theodór Júlíusson 
  • Sigurður Sigurjónsson 

Film Category

First Seen: Fri 7th Apr 2017
Catalogued: 20th Sep 2024


Two brothers who haven't spoken for 40 years living as neighbours on farms in isolated valley in Iceland breeding prizewinning local rare sheep. Scrapie comes to the valley and all sheep in the valley have to be slaughtered which devastates the community and the brothers - who respond differently. One declining into drink and the other with an attempt at cunning concealment. Ultimately he is discovered of course, which forces the brothers back together


by Roger on Fri 7th Apr 2017 DVD proj @ home

Review of "Rams"

Full review

Excellent. Puts you off wanting to live in an isolated valley in Iceland - barren - but realistic without being over romantic. Ending a bit of an an unexpected conclusion...