Reviewed by Roger CO,

on 07 Oct 2023
Where seen: DVD proj @ home


Review of" Manhunter  

Film directed by: Michael Mann 

Film released: 1986

Ridiculous over dramatic and not really thrilling


Frankly today this appears somewhat absurd. The role of the pscho-investigator who gets into the mind of his subject is now an overworked trope, and the "dramatic" action in the FBI offices and helicopters as they try and close in on the serial killer before a deadline comes across as laughable - rminiscent of the old channel 4 tv series Treasure Hunt with Anneka Rice rushing around in a helicopter trying to solve clues for a team of investigators in the studio managed by avuncular Kenteth Kendall - at least that was entertaining at the time. Manhunter is not.

Of interest only because it was the first Hannibal Lecktor film before Silence of the Lambs (which was a bit better) and watched because I stumbled across a reference to it in a completely different context which made it sound interesting. It really isn't.