Reviewed by rogerco,

on 11 Sep 2021
Where seen: DVD proj @ home

Feel-good Tears of Joy

Review of" Blinded By The Light  

Film directed by: Gurinder Chadha 

Film released: 2019

Almost impossible not to like, although the storyline is totally inevitable and unsurprising.


5/7 is perhaps a little low as a rating as there is so much good stuff - excellent performances from Vivek Kaira (Javid), Dean-Charles Chapman (Matt, Javid's school friend),  Aaron Phagura (Roops, Javid's college friend and intro to The Boss), and Nell Williams (Eliza, Javid's girlfriend) and the adult supporting cast. 

Lovely use of Springsteen's lyrics both on sound and on screen. Late 80's Luton very well evoked. Some good dance moves and ensemble playing.

Some obvious similarities with Bend It Like Beckham and nowhere near as tacky as classic bad feel-good movies like Love Actually or Notting Hill (or almost anything with Hugh Grant). 

In the end lacking in 'edge' and staying well within the confines of safe narrative expectations - but if you accept it as that, it is very touching and uplifting.