Reviewed by rogerco,

on 22 Feb 2021
Where seen: DVD proj @ home

Is it possible in 19 years

Review of" 2040  

Film directed by: Damon Gameau 

Film released: 2019

Avoiding the scary and too much eco-technic porn it manages to be informative and interesting.


Firstly this is a really well made film - the creative use of visual effects to inform and underline what is being said is the best I have seen on this subject. The lead character/director is engaging and seeks out some interesting possibilities using only what is already available today.

It avoids the pitfall of so many 'eco' films of being preachy and scary, he doesn't downplay the difficulties but makes an honest attempt to find solutions that could work for his daughter's future.

There is a slight whiff of eco-technic porn about some of the ideas - high-tech mass transport, the continuing prevalence of an internet and some shiny new fun gizmos without considering the resource cost implications, but on the whole he digs up some good ideas - micro-grids transforming the domestic energy landscape, communally owned personal transport, greening (plants) of cities by freeing the space taken by private cars, changes to diet, plus the education of women and their equality as a major driver for reducing resource use.

Overall much better than many attempts at this and  probably achievable if it was not for the structural obstacles. System change requires more than simply sharing your energy with your neighbours (try that in the UK and you'll get a ton of regulation and law down on your head unless you also change the system that governs us). 

Is it possible in 19 years? Not without system change first.