Reviewed by rogerco,

on 06 Feb 2021
Where seen: DVD proj @ home

Review of "Monsieur Verdoux" by rogerco

Review of" Monsieur Verdoux  

Film directed by: Charlie Chaplin 

Film released: 1947

Many good parts although at times stagey. Excellent opening and ending.


Watch out for the comedy opening ensemble scene, The absurd OTT attempted seduction of the woman come to look at a dead wife's house for sale, the atmospheric furniture shop, the whole scene with Lydia (the one we see (but don't see) him murder, the appearances of 'The Girl' who gazes adoringly and knowingly at Verdoux, the beautiful expressions crosing the face of the florist girl as Verdoux is making love on the phone, the final speech in his death-row cell (money santifies)