One review on 06 Aug 2018
First Published: 2017
Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist
Author: Paul Kingsnorth
synopsis extract: Collection of essays from 2011 to 2016 broadly explaining his transition from environmental activism in the 90s to a deep ecology approach and the Dark Mountain project.
Date first read:
Mon 6th Aug 2018
Format: Paperback
Catalogued: 17th Jan 2021
Collection of essays from 2011 to 2016 broadly explaining his transition from environmental activism in the 90s to a deep ecology approach and the Dark Mountain project.
Review of "Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist"
by Roger on Mon 6th Aug 2018.
He has arrived at the same place as me at more or less the same time but by a slightly different route and 20 years younger than me. He spent many years involved in direct action environmentalism where I spent the time in green politics but both of us came to see the same deep flaws in these approaches. Almost every word in the book I would be proud to have written myself.