Reviewed byrogerco on 21 Jan 2021

The Beauty of the Network

Review of" Entangled Life  Author: Merlin Sheldrake 

Summary: This fascinating book occupies the territory between scientific paper, popular science, and evangelical polemic.


Very good to read, engrossing and entertaining. Sometimes digressive, but never wandering far from the core theme of fungi and our relationship to them.

Some interesting musings on the nature of symbiotic relationships and how they can be understood without anthropomorphising them. This point is driven home repeatedly in the second half of the book - the suggestion that in some sense we are tools of the fungus rather than the other way around.

Fascinating detail on the inner and outer life of all sorts of fungi. Totally in tune with a systems view of life as an interconnected complex self-adaptive network. Usefully blurring the boundary of the individual - everything exists within a context that gives it meaning and thus is a part of it - there are no hard and fast boundaries.