One review on 11 Oct 2017
First Published: 2000
The Secret Pilgrim
unlisted author
synopsis extract: Ned's reminiscences as Smiley's protege over 30 years in "The Circus" prompted by Smiley's after dinner talk to the latest bunch of recruits to spying in the new world. ...
Date first read:
Wed 11th Oct 2017
Format: Kindle
Catalogued: 1st Jun 2021
Ned's reminiscences as Smiley's protege over 30 years in "The Circus" prompted by Smiley's after dinner talk to the latest bunch of recruits to spying in the new world. A series of episodes over the period gradually moving to a degree of disillusionment. Cock-ups and trageties
by Roger on Wed 11th Oct 2017.
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