Reviewed by rogerco,

on 07 Oct 2021
Where seen: Streamed proj @ home

Review of "Salut les Cubains"

Review of" Salut les Cubains  

Film directed by: Agnes Varda 

Film released: 1963

Cuba 1963 cpatured in B&W photomontage


Another (early) tour-de-force by Varda. With voiceover by Agnes and Michel Piccoli providing context for what we see. A montage of still, B&W, photos arranged into chapters with different themes.

Some excellent music/dance scenes using photos which must have been shot with a motor drive to create a near stop-frame effect in time with the music. One of these was a bit overlong as she had to repeat the same sequence of photos several times - but a very interesting technique.

Fascinating as a snapshot of Cuba emerging as a country from the revolution.