One review on 19 Jun 2018
First Published: 2016
Author: Annie Proulx
synopsis extract: Rambling through 350 years of history of humans in the boreal forsests of N.america focusing on the intersecting stories of the Sel family of Mi'kmak native americans and the Duchet/Duke family of ...
Kindle Free
Date first read:
Tue 19th Jun 2018
Format: Kindle
Catalogued: 17th Jan 2021
Rambling through 350 years of history of humans in the boreal forsests of N.america focusing on the intersecting stories of the Sel family of Mi'kmak native americans and the Duchet/Duke family of settlers.
Review of "Barkskins"
by Roger on Tue 19th Jun 2018.
Although sometimes difficult to keep track of who is who it is a compelling epic that builds to its ecological point with tremendous sympathy for the destructive actions of our forebears - but knowing what we know now a change of attitude is not only overdue but also literally essential.