Aspect Ratio: 2.39 Widescreen
Colour: Colour
Sound: Mono
Camera: 35mm Film
Tech Notes: Camera : 35mm Film. Mono
Covering the years 1927-1947 starting with Hughes directing and producing Hell's Angels (the only film he directed) and finishing after his defeat of PanAm & Brewster's bill attempting to give PanAm a monopoly of international routes.
by rogerco on Sat 7th Aug 2021 DVD proj @ home
Oh to be super rich
Full review
Enjoyable look at Howard Hughes' middle life and the games the super-rich get up to. Leonardo di Caprio plays him as a fairly uncomplicated character with a mental illness and an arrogance born of inherited money. For me, Cate Blanchet didn't really remind me of Katherine Hepburn (as seen on screen) at all - but maybe she was like that in real life.
I'd never heard of the film Hell's Angels or many of the other details of Hughes life - which I was inspired to check out afterwards and seem to be mainly correct if incomplete (no play is made of either his overt racism or his very right wing political views - which may have matured post 1947)