Film Reviews Blog

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Friday 15th January 2021

USA 1973

Running time: 112 mins

The Long Goodbye

Director : Robert Altman

Film Summary :
Raymond Chandler book adaptation for 1970s
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Reviewed by rogerco, Streamed proj @ home on 15 Jan 2021

Review Summary :
A bit pedestrian. Acting not notable. Directed without flair.

Neither Thrilling nor Noir

Pretty sure I saw this in the 70's, though I can't remember what I thought of it then. Now it seems tired and uninteresting. Start is very slow setting the scene with Marlowe (Elliot Gould) who doesn't appear to be a working private eye, more a loser who talks to his cat. A long drawn out joke about cat food hardly tells us anything about the character (although our dog watched it intently).

Once the story begins it moves along ok, although the threads are initially disconnected there is no sense of mystery or confusion which one might expect from the classic Chandler films -Leigh Brackett who wrote the screenplay was also co-writer of The Big Sleep (1946) but was way off the mark here.

The wisecracking by Marlowe doesn't sparkle - perhaps because there isn't a female co-lead to spark off, so his foils are indifferent. The main women (the writer's wife and the gangster's moll) are merely long haired west coast stepford wives with no character.

The writer, a Hemmingway type, Roger Wade (Sterling Hayden) doesn't carry the heavyweight drunk role well - he is too soft. The creepy doctor Verringer (Henry Gibson) is simply a creepy nerd with no menace or indication that he might have any power over Wade.

The shooting at the end is a surprise, but packs no punch as Marlowe didn't seem to have any difficulty tracking down his friend or any particular reason to act as he did - it was neither moral nor justified.

All in all it's not even worth 3 stars, never minfd the 4 I thought I might give it immediately after, so I'm downgrading it to 2.

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Iceland 2017

Running time: 89 mins

Under the Tree

Film Summary :
A neighbourly dispute spirals out of control fuelled by various characters problems. Dry black humour.
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Reviewed by rogerco, Streamed proj @ home on 13 Jan 2021

Review Summary :
Lovely dry black humour for a suburban desert that the characters are trapped in.

This is not going to end well...

Excellent performances from all the main characters. As the threads start to pull together the ending becomes a bit inevitable but perfectly realised - right down the the ironic comedy last shot.

Saturday 9th January 2021

Begium 2008

Running time: 105 mins

The Silence of Lorna

Film Summary :
Young woman involved with fake marriage scams for citizenship in Belgium
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Reviewed by rogerco, DVD proj @ home on 09 Jan 2021

Initially engrossing but fades in the end

A good story unfolds. Occasional time skips are a little disconcerting as you struggle to catch up with what has happened in the gap. Once Claudy has died it is clear Lorna regrets her involvement as she ever so gently goes off the rails. I found the ending with her hiding out in a cabin in the woods talking to herself slightly unconvincing

Sunday 3rd January 2021


Running time: 130 mins

The Trial of the Chicago 7

unlisted director

Film Summary :
Not so much directly about the events in Chicago '68 around the Democratic Convention, but focusing on the actual trial which took 6 months in '69
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Reviewed by rogerco, Streamed proj @ home on 03 Jan 2021

Review Summary :
Possibly more drama than documentary.

Dramatised Real Events from '68-'69

Difficult to know how really real the story as told is. We didn't see much of Hoffman/Rubin clowning around in court - for the most part they seemed respectful and compliant. We are told by his then girlfriend that the story of the female undercover cop picking up Ruben is complete fabrication (which is not to say there weren't spy-cops around). Hayden comes across as a typical liberal dumbass Menshevik, despite finally falling into line with the pre-sentencing statement.

Hoffmann, played very well by Sacha Baron Cohen, ultimately is seen as the cleverest cookie in the jar. Bobby Seale is well played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, and Mark Rylance as the lead defence lawyer William Kunstler was excellent.

The film didn't really make you feel how long the trial went on (6 months) or that it was avidly followed outside the courtroom - nightly TV news reports and acres of newsprint. It also didn't make it clear that all the defendants were acquitted on the main conspiracy charge and the five were only found guilty on the incitement to riot charge.

Thursday 31st December 2020


Running time: 107 mins


unlisted director

Film Summary :
The true story of the Womens Lib disruption of the 1970 Miss World contest in London.
Film Category
Film Tags

Reviewed by rogerco, DVD proj @ home on 31 Dec 2020

Review Summary :
Those were the days...when protest involved physical action, not clicktivism. Explosives (Angry Brigade), spades (Stop Apartheid) and vegetables (Women's Lib), not "social" media.

A True Story, Truly Told

Truly told given the testimonies of the participants (still living and mostly still radical) given in the DVD 'extras' interviews.

Personally I was 18 at the time (Nov'70) and in my first term at Uni - I remember nothing of the event (no TV, didn't read the papers much) and I don't event remember it being discussed. I do remember that the Miss World contest was considered by young men my age to be pretty tacky since the late 60's - like racism, there was a rising awareness in the hippie generation that women were generally treated pretty badly in The Man's world.

The film tells the story very well, it is entertaining, well paced, well acted. The relationship between Sally (Keira Knightley) and her partner is not explored (he seems a bit bemused). The politics behind the rise of the women's lib (or indeed the anti-apartheid and Angry Brigade movements which were also on the case) is beyond what the film could reasonably be expected to cover. Also the consequences, both for the women's movement and the racist backlash against the result, are not properly mentioned.

It focuses on telling the story of the action itself, some of the details are clearly tweaked for dramatic effects (eg Jo Robinson's recollection doesn't mention sitting next to Sally Alexandria), but it makes a good story.

Lovely to see some of the details - silk screening posters from stencils, life in a communal squat - which were common currency in activist circles then.