Film Reviews Blog

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Monday 27th January 2020



Director : Jordan Peele

Synopsis extract :
Silly hokum about doppleganners living beneath ground and escaping to terrorise their doubles.
Film Category

Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ home on 27 Jan 2020

Review of "Us"

Not a lot to like here. Mildly entertaining.

Tuesday 21st January 2020


Diego Maradona

Director : Asif Kapadia

Synopsis extract :
Story of Diego's time at Napoli (with extensive home movie coverage of his career.
Film Category

Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ home on 21 Jan 2020

Review of "Diego Maradona"

Despite not really being interested in the subject this was very engrossing and entertaining. The story of Napoli's rise with Maradona on board, the real story of Mexico 92, and much more made for engrossing and entertaining viewing. And even I can see that he was a genius on the pitch.

Thursday 9th January 2020



Director : Spike Lee

Synopsis extract :
Comedy about the first and only black police officer in Denver infiltrating the KKK
Film Category

Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ home on 09 Jan 2020

Review of "BlacKkKlansman"

Such an unlikely premise it rather undermines itself as the suspension of disbelief required stretches crdulity to breaking point. On the other hand maybe racial bigots really as as all round stupid as portrayed here.

Saturday 4th January 2020



Director : Adam McKay

Synopsis extract :
The rise and rise of Dick Cheney and the takeover of the Amerikan state.
Film Category

Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ home on 04 Jan 2020

Review of "Vice"

An extraordinary true story of how a wayward young student stole power by stealth and unleashed war for his personal gain.

Friday 1st November 2019



Director : Mark Jenkin

Synopsis extract :
Cornish fishing village modern day look at tensions between secondhomers and working community
Film Category

Reviewed by Roger, Arts Cinema Plymouth on 01 Nov 2019

Review of "Bait"

Shot in B&W 4*3 with blemishes to give a slightly home movie effect. Camera allowed to linger on objects and faces to tell the story. Excellent effect allowing plenty of time for viewer to think through the implications of the narrative. Technically a fascinating piece of film making using B&W and unusual choice of shots to provide an elliptical view of the narrative with space for the viewer to consider. As with reality there is no absolute truth here. As a story about the interaction between the characters it has considerable subtlety and shows all the participants as essentially flawed and very human. As a story about the major issue of the way the tourism "industry" trashes our communities, distorts our home lives, and creates massive suppressed resentment against those who come across the Tamar for two weeks or two months and make no contribution it is a powerful contribution. By and large the behaviour of all of the visitors is at best deeply patronising and arrogant - just like real life. The sooner we get rid of these parasites the better. And I imagine that the same feelings exist everywhere that tourists go, it is not a problem peculiar to Cornwall, although it is probably at its worst in the UK here.