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      Saturday 6th February 2021


      Running time: 124 mins

      Monsieur Verdoux

      Director : Charlie Chaplin

      Film Summary :
      A suave multiple wife killer (a "Bluebeard") in 1930s France.
      Film Category

      Reviewed by rogerco, DVD proj @ home on 06 Feb 2021

      Review Summary :
      Many good parts although at times stagey. Excellent opening and ending.

      Review of "Monsieur Verdoux" by rogerco

      Watch out for the comedy opening ensemble scene, The absurd OTT attempted seduction of the woman come to look at a dead wife's house for sale, the atmospheric furniture shop, the whole scene with Lydia (the one we see (but don't see) him murder, the appearances of 'The Girl' who gazes adoringly and knowingly at Verdoux, the beautiful expressions crosing the face of the florist girl as Verdoux is making love on the phone, the final speech in his death-row cell (money santifies)

      Saturday 30th January 2021

      UK 1999

      Running time: 94 mins


      Director : Lynne Ramsay

      Film Summary :
      Slice of life in Glasgow 1973 seen through the eyes of a 12 year old boy.
      Film Category

      Reviewed by rogerco, Streamed proj @ home on 30 Jan 2021

      Review Summary :
      A somewhat dismal slice of poor life film. There is no redemption.

      No-one catches a rat

      Sometimes hard to understand what people are saying thanks to the thick accents. Well acted and convincingly realistic about how shit some aspects of the early 70s were (not that today may be much better). 

      The ambiguous ending (did he drown, or were they rehoused?) rather underlines the fact that the film isn't quite sure what it is trying to say. But maybe that's the point. It's just life innit.

      Wednesday 27th January 2021

      UK 2009

      Running time: 87 mins

      The Fantastic Mr Fox

      Director : Wes Anderson

      Film Summary :
      An anthropomorphic fox and his family does battle with industrial farmers, who retaliate and trap them in a 'refugee camp' in the sewers which they proceed to make the best of and create a community.

      Reviewed by rogerco, Streamed proj @ home on 27 Jan 2021

      Review Summary :
      but is it really satire?

      Entertaining Anthropomorphic Satire

      A mix of puppetry, stop-motion animation and cartoon, brought to life by voiceovers (many from well known 'stars') with decidedly human characteristics.

      If it is satire the targets are never explicitly spelt out - the middle class, social (upward) mobility, industrial farming, the plight of the Palestinians????

      The later Isle of Dogs is much better as it is more tightly focussed and avoids much of the excessively cute anthropomorphism of this one.

      An enjoyable 90 mins for all that though.

      Friday 22nd January 2021

      USA 2020

      Running time: 83 mins

      An American Pickle

      Director : Brandon Trost

      Synopsis extract :
      Herschel Greenbaum (Seth Rogen), a struggling laborer who immigrates to America in 1919, falls ...
      Film Category
      Film Tags

      Rated by rogerco, DVD proj @ home on 22 Jan 2021

      Review Summary :
      Predictable and ponderous comedy

      Friday 15th January 2021

      USA 1973

      Running time: 112 mins

      The Long Goodbye

      Director : Robert Altman

      Film Summary :
      Raymond Chandler book adaptation for 1970s
      Film Category
      Film Tags

      Reviewed by rogerco, Streamed proj @ home on 15 Jan 2021

      Review Summary :
      A bit pedestrian. Acting not notable. Directed without flair.

      Neither Thrilling nor Noir

      Pretty sure I saw this in the 70's, though I can't remember what I thought of it then. Now it seems tired and uninteresting. Start is very slow setting the scene with Marlowe (Elliot Gould) who doesn't appear to be a working private eye, more a loser who talks to his cat. A long drawn out joke about cat food hardly tells us anything about the character (although our dog watched it intently).

      Once the story begins it moves along ok, although the threads are initially disconnected there is no sense of mystery or confusion which one might expect from the classic Chandler films -Leigh Brackett who wrote the screenplay was also co-writer of The Big Sleep (1946) but was way off the mark here.

      The wisecracking by Marlowe doesn't sparkle - perhaps because there isn't a female co-lead to spark off, so his foils are indifferent. The main women (the writer's wife and the gangster's moll) are merely long haired west coast stepford wives with no character.

      The writer, a Hemmingway type, Roger Wade (Sterling Hayden) doesn't carry the heavyweight drunk role well - he is too soft. The creepy doctor Verringer (Henry Gibson) is simply a creepy nerd with no menace or indication that he might have any power over Wade.

      The shooting at the end is a surprise, but packs no punch as Marlowe didn't seem to have any difficulty tracking down his friend or any particular reason to act as he did - it was neither moral nor justified.

      All in all it's not even worth 3 stars, never minfd the 4 I thought I might give it immediately after, so I'm downgrading it to 2.