One review on 26 Jan 2022
Italy 2019
Running time: 129 mins
Martin Eden
Director : Pietro Marcello
Aspect Ratio: 1.66
Colour: Colour
Sound: Mono
Camera: Super 16mm
Tech Notes: Camera : Super 16mm. Mono
A poor but handsome young sailor stumbles into a wealthy family by saving the son from being beaten up on the quayside and falls in love with the daughter - a university student.
She awakens his ambition to read and learn and make something of himself. He treats her as his life muse,coming back for her approval as he develops through early years of trying to be a writer. The promise to marry when he succeeds, but when success eventually arrives they have moved on and apart so their love is never consumated.
Based on the autobiographical novel by Jack London this is repositioned to Naples in the late 60's/70's
by rogerco on Wed 26th Jan 2022 Streamed proj @ home
First rate Italian style film
Full review
Just misses a 7th star by being a bit too long towards the end, but otherwise first rate.