Aspect Ratio: Mixed
Colour: Colour and B&W
Sound: Surround
Camera: 70mm
Tech Notes: aspect ration 2.2 for digital, 2.9 for film
All the big physics htters appear - Einstien, Heisenberg, Bohr, Teller, Feynman, Godel, Fermin - as in reality.
Four main scenes/location - early student life (under and post-rad), work on Manhatten project, a closed hearing post war into his secuirty clearance, and a senate hearing into the appointment of his boss at the academy as a (?Eisenhower?) cabinet member. Plus numerous other scenes. All mashed up and linked with a thundeous soundtrack, psychadelic images, portentous over-loud music and dream clips.
by rogerco on Sat 2nd Sep 2023 New Carlton Okehampton
Overlong, overloud, overblown, overconfusing and overdull
and also over-hyped - this is the worst film seen so far this yearFull review
There is nothing good to say about this turkey. Noisy, Loud, Portentous, Confusing, Boring, and totally pulling its punches. Disjointed storytelling. Ultimately trivialising what could be an interesting story if told better.