Aspect Ratio: 1.37 (Academy)
Colour: Colour
Sound: Mono
Camera: 16mm
Tech Notes: Camera : 16mm. Mono
He wanders around picking pockets and loosing touch with his old friends whose lives have moved on
by rogerco on Sat 19th Feb 2022 Streamed proj @ home
Vaguely Interesting
Totally unsympathetic lead character rather mars itFull review
The depiction of life in small town China post Mao is interesting but the entire film is spent following this useless loser around which is not at all interesting. He just mooches through life.
Somewhat reminiscent of Ken Loach or Mike Leigh's films providing a slice of life with amateur actors and improvised/workshopped dialogue, but without anyone the audience can identify with (even if we don't actually like them) it fails to engage as a narrative.