Aspect Ratio: 1.66 widescreen
Colour: Colour
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The grandfather got agreement to farm the land from the owner when he saved him during the civil war - but there was no paperwork so they can't prove their rights. Now the son of the original owner is installing solar pannels all over the land and is evicting them after the harvest to grub up the trees.
We follow the family through the last summer as they face their loss - the film ends with a high shot of the farmhouse with a digger clearing the orchards that surrounded it.
Cast was entirely local amateurs aside from one minor character - the mother's sister - played by the director's sister
by rogerco on Sat 20th Apr 2024 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
Charming and engrossing
Full review
A charming picture of the tensions of extended family life against a background of external threat in a gorgeous setting.