Aspect Ratio: unknown
Sound: Talkie
Tech Notes: Camera : 0. Talkie
Film Category
First Seen:
Sun 19th Apr 2020
Catalogued: 16th Jan 2021
Zain, 12 years old, flees his negligent parents for life on the streets and in prison in Beruit living by wits. Falls in with Rahil, an Ethiopian illegal migrant worker, and looks after her baby in exchange for food and a roof. Then Rahil gets arrested. Zain ends up in prison and sues his parents for negligence in allowing him to be born.
by Roger on Sun 19th Apr 2020 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
Review of "Capernaum"
Full review
An extraordinary piece of film-making that sucks you right into Zain's world and the logic of every choice he makes. Life is shit at the bottom, but it is still life and humanity.