Aspect Ratio: 1.85 widescreen
Sound: Dolby digital
Camera: Arri 35mm
Tech Notes: Camera : Arri 35mm. Dolby digital
Following Vinz, Siad and Hubert through the day following a riot culminating in a trippy night in Paris after they miss the last train home thanks to being detained by the pigs. Black and white is right.
by rogerco on Sat 1st Jan 2022 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
No surprise there was a riot
No surprise there was a riot, and no surprise that the victims of the riot are largely the community that rioted.Full review
Slightly reminiscent of the (20 years later) Victoria. The B&W presentation feels right, the camerawork is quite fluid matching the edgy feel of the action. Perhaps it fails to delve into the pressures that the protagonists are under, and there 'hate' seems to be ust between the pigs and the kidz - but why?