Aspect Ratio: 2.35 (anamorphic)
Colour: Black and White
Camera: Digital
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- IMDB -
Confused old man is convinced he has won $1 million by a marketing letter. Repeatedly sets out to walk to Lincolm Nebraska to collect from home in Billings Montana. Driving wife and sons nuts. Eventually younger son agrees to take few days off and drive him. Gentle road trip ensues as they tentatively try tomake some connection. Detour to stay weekend with his appalling family in the place he grew up (Hawthorne, Montana). SLight redepmtion at the end.
by rogerco on Thu 6th Jul 2023 DVD proj @ home
Gentle and Dull
Pretty dull road movie with good B&W photographyFull review
Makes you glad you are not living in America. Very like the other more recent film about getting old - Lucky, the Harry Dean Stanton swansong - it gets an extra star for the photography, but aside from that it has very little merit. The acting was pretty good I suppose, but the absence of story, or interest in, or identification with, the cultural milleu killed it stone dead.