Aspect Ratio: 2.39 Widescreen
Colour: Colour
Sound: Dolby digital
Camera: Arri Amira Digital
Tech Notes: Camera : Arri Amira Digital. Dolby digital
Fern (Frances McDermont) has lived in Empire Nevada, a mining company town for 30 years. She stayed on after the death of her husband, but when the mine and the town is closed down she starts living in a small campervan and working at an Amazon warehouse.
During one Christmas shutdown she sets off on the road, to somewhere warmer and a meeting of "nomads" - the word for elders doing what younger new-age travellers do. She becomes a nomad herself, moving from site to site, taking temporary work, making friends and meeting up down the road.
We hear some of the nomads stories (possibly true, or at least based on truth), we see them dealing with death and loss, we see Fern, fiercely independent, eventually come to a kind of closure on her husband's death.
by rogerco on Mon 24th May 2021 Merlin CInema, Okehampton
Soft, Slow, and Downbeat
Frances McDermont in the evening and morning sunshineFull review
This is basically a one-woman film. She observes things. She is independent. We see a lot of shots of desert and badland landscapes, often at sunset or sunrise.
Not really a road-movie, more of a meander movie. We meet a couple of interesting other nomads and hear bits of their stories.
There isn't a narrative as such - just scenes with blank spaces between living us to fill in the gaps - oh time has passed.
This is nowhere near as good as Chloe Zhao's earlier "Songs My Brothers Taught Me". I was disappointed.