Aspect Ratio: 2.35 (anamorphic)
Colour: Colour
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The man and the woman, his mare and her stallion. The stallion gets the mare and the man is mortified with embarrasment. The mare and the stallion must atone.
Another man loves vodka and his horse loves to swim. A passing russian trawler sells then vodka when they swim out but warm him not to drink it neat. He drinks it neat. The community attends a funeral.
A third man likes to ride the old roads on his horse, but a man with a tractor has fenced of the road across his land. The man with a horse has wirecutters, but the wire has tension. A bloody vision meets the man on the tractor and he swerves off the road and over the cliff to avoid it.
A young woman who the cyclist likes finds an old man with a bloody face. Again the commnity attends a funeral, but it is not the bloody man's.
A Colombian cyclist wants to ride, but the horse he is given is old and slow and he gets left behind, A snowstorm sets in and night falls. There is only one way to keep warm.
In the autumn the mountain ponies are rounded up, all the community lends a hand. The woman is determined to ride with first man. All comes good as the community unites.
by rogerco on Sat 18th Mar 2023 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
Charming funny enjoyable
Probably the best film ever about people and their horsesFull review
Lovely intertwining stories giving a sense of a very rural community where horses are an integral part of life for the inhabitants of the remote valley.
Several separate stories meld together in a satisfying way producing light comedy, romance, drama and a satisfying conclusion.
Excellent photography, great acting by the horses (icelandic semi-feral ponies) and the humans (seldom have actors looked so at homeon a horse).
Featuring the first appearance of the Colombian touring cyclist who also pops up for light relief in Benedikt Erlingsson's 2018 follow-up film "Woman at War" which is also excellent.
A classic good film, with many things to like and not a foot put wrong. More like this please.