Aspect Ratio: 1.85 widescreen
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Stereo
Tech Notes: Stereo
Camille (Makita Samba), a teacher, meets Emilie(Lucy Zhang), a call centre worker, who is looking for a flatmate and moves in. They fuck some. He starts his PhD course and moves out. Nora (Noémie Merlant) starts as a mature law student. She goes to a student gig wearing a wig and gets mistaken by another student for Amber Sweet (Jehnny Beth) a porn star. She gets teased and is mortified and leaves Uni. Camille has started running a failed estate agency for a friend and hires Nora who had previously worked in an estate agents in Bordeaux. She brings success to the business. Nora tracks down the porn star online and befriends her while Camille and she attempt a relationship. The film ends with Nora meeting Amber in real life and kissing her and Camille returning to Emile.
by rogerco on Thu 25th Aug 2022 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
It's life, not as we've known it
A series of interesting scenes rather than a coherent story.