Aspect Ratio: 1.85 widescreen
Colour: Colour
Sound: Stereo
Camera: 35mm
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A Syrian refugee (Kahlid) arrives in Helsinki by accident (falls asleep in a coal ship from germany) and gets taken in by a businessman retiring to run a restaurant. He goes through the process of seeking asylum whilst hoping to find his sister whom he lost on the journey across Europe when a border closed with them on different sides.
In parallel a travelling shirt salesman walks out on his alcoholic wife and sells his business gambling the proceeds at a poker table where he wins big and fullfills his dream of buying a restaurant.
With the restaurant struggling he finds Kahlid sleeping in the yard having been denied asylum and takes hi in as a helper.
Life continues through ups and downs
2 reviewsby Roger on Sat 24th Mar 2018 DVD proj @ home
Rating only, no text
by rogerco on Tue 28th May 2024 Streamed proj @ home (Subtitled)
Enjoyable in a simple style
Full review
Echos of Wes Anderson in the stylised performaces and mis-en-scene. Very enjoyable story with a satisfyingly open ending. Musical performers act as an understated commentary