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Six connected (by theme) stories of disconnected lives. A plane crashes as a man has invigled all his enemies to be on board fr his suicide. A waitress and cook poison a loan shark who hurt the waitress's family. Two drivers on a lone highway get into an argument. A demolition expert blows up his car which has been impounded for a minor parking infraction. A wealthy family try to cover up their sons hit-and-run. A bride takes revenge on an unfaithful husband at their wedding.
2 reviewsby Roger on Sat 21st May 2016 DVD proj @ home
Review of "Wild Tales"
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Very enjoyableby rogerco on Fri 13th Dec 2024 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
Watched again by mistake but still good
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Watched this again by mistake but still enjoyed it. Took until a few minutes into the second story before I was sure we'd seen it before. Thereafter the knowledge of what was about to happen somewhat reduced the enjoyment but still a good film.