Aspect Ratio: 1.85 widescreen
Colour: Colour
Sound: Stereo
Comedy about 1980s New York where all the people are animals. Dog lives alone in a Manhattan flat and is lonely. He buys a build-it-yourself robot kit to have a friend - and their friendship blossoms. Until one day at end of summer they go to Ocean Beach and after playing in the sea Robot sunbathes and siezes up. When the beah closes Dog is forced to abandon robot on the sand. He comes back next day but discovers the beach is closed till next summer.
During the winter Robt dreams that Dog rescues him, but some passing (in a rowing booat) boy scouts and their master take of one of his legs to plug a hole in the bot. Late after being covered with snw and buried by sand a metal detector treasure hunter/scrap dealer finds him - but now his body is missing as well as his leg.
The scrap guy sells him to a junk collector who rebuilds him out of odd parts and they become friends.
Meanwhile Dog, after some months pining gets to the beach beach but can't find Robot. Eventually he gives up and gets another robot and they become friends.
In the end the two couples run in to each other on the street and Dog and Roboot are reunited before going ooff with their new partners.
by rogerco on Wed 4th Sep 2024 Streamed proj @ home
Entertaining observation but silly story
it seems ridiculous to say it about a tale of a dog and his robot friend, but it was a bit unbelievable at times.