Aspect Ratio: 1.85 widescreen
Colour: Colour
Sound: Mono
Camera: 16mm
Tech Notes: Camera : 16mm. Mono
In 'The Ciambra', a small Romani community in Calabria, Pio Amato is desperate to grow up fast. At 14, he drinks, smokes and is one of the few to easily slide between the regions' factions - the local mafias, the African immigrants and his fellow Romani.
Pio follows his older brother Cosimo everywhere, learning the necessary skills for life on the streets of their hometown. When Cosimo disappears and things start to go wrong. Pio sets out to prove he's ready to step into his big brother's shoes and in the process he must decide if he is truly ready to become a man.
by rogerco on Sat 14th May 2022 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
Bicycle Thieves for the 21st Century
Full review
Life is confusing when you are growing up, and the film might seem so at first but it all comes together as a vivid portrait of Pio's experience trying to grow up.
The actors playing the family members are all a real Romani family playing themselves, but it is only at the end credits when you see their names that you realise this, so natural are their performances (I don't speak Italian so there may be some clues in the way lines are delivered).
This is an excellent example of modern neo-Realism, very much in the vein of de Sica's classic 'Bicycle Thieves', but thoroughly modern. If you like the films of Ken Loach or Mike Leigh you'll like this.