Aspect Ratio: Standard (generic)
Colour: Colour
Sound: Silent
Camera: 35mm
Tech Notes: Camera : 35mm. Dolby digital
Jep, writer, aesthete, journalist, produced a prize winning novelette in his youth since when he has smooched his way through Rome's high society aiming to be the king of the scene - and apparently succeeding. But life has become a bore, nothing, vacuous - still the wheels keep turning.
by rogerco on Sat 12th Feb 2022 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)
Not a Great Film, but not bad
Sumptuous to look at, but to what end?Full review
The photography and mise-en-scene is excellent, luxurious. The story, such as it is, is slightly confused (whose funeral was it, what happened to Ramona). Some laboured comedy - the cardinal more interested in his food recipes than spiritual matters. No hints of the dark side of the face of luxury and privilege.