Aspect Ratio: 2.39 (Bollywood)
Colour: Colour
Sound: Surround
Camera: Digital
Tech Notes: Dolby Atmos. Aspect ratio 2.40
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We see him, Carl (Harris Dickinson) at a casting with other ale models then with her, Yaya (Charlbi Dean) in a restaurant, then the boat and crew on two levels - the ones with smart uniforms who serve the rich and the underclass who cook and clean - then the other guests.
Then the cruise begins and then there's a storm durning the Captain's Dinner which makes everyone bar the captain (Woody Harelson) and the russian oligarch Dimitry (Zatko Buric) horrendously ill. The communist Captain and the capitalist oligarch debate the morality of wealth over the tannoy while the vomiting rich listen.
Then the boat is attacked by pirates and blows up (we don't see the attack, just the boat of armed men approaching and the explosion that sinks the boat). A few survivors (the key cast excluding Woody Harrelson) are washed up on an island.
by rogerco on Sun 30th Apr 2023 DVD proj @ home
OK Light Comedy
Could have been better as some interesting themesFull review
Not laugh-out-loud funny, just the odd situational chuckle. The slapstick (people vomiting and toilets overflowing during the storm) wan't particularly notable.
Much too long, should have had at least 20 mins trimmed.
No idea why it won the Palme d'Or. Did the Cannes Crowd think it was somehow 'edgy' cos it poked mild fun at the super-rich and hinted at a social critique?