Aspect Ratio: 2.35 (anamorphic)
Colour: Black and White
Sound: Mono
Camera: 35mm
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by rogerco on Sat 20th Jul 2024 DVD proj @ home
Mildly swinging amusement
Mid 1960s cusp of the old staid and new swinging stylesFull review
Notable because I watch some of the scenes being filmed at the school station. Fleeting glimpses of boys in uniform but in the background of two shots!
Interesting because it is made by the old school british film industry picking up on the new vibe - at least in the writing, if not in the casting, acting, mise-en-scene, cinematography or direction.
One of Charlotte Rampling's first films - definitely showing her star potential.
Basically a caper crime comedy film without a lot of laughs to the modern eye. The 'young' gang members all look middle aged. The Duke's control room (model train set) is very far from an early James Bond villiians lair. Talking of which the film came out at the same time as Thunderball where Bond cooks a villain in a sit down steam cabinet just as the three dumbo crooks get cooked - presumably reusing stuff from the bond set? Although Bond was at Pinewood, and this was at Shepperton.