One review on 30 May 2010

The Ghost

Director : Roman Polanski 

synopsis extract: Ghost writer (Ewan McG) hired to write ex PM's (Brosnan) memoirs after previous ghost dies. ...


  • Pierce Brosnan 
  • Kim Cattral 
  • Ewan McGregor 
  • Olivia Williams 

Film Category

First Seen: Sun 30th May 2010
Catalogued: 31st Mar 2025


Ghost writer (Ewan McG) hired to write ex PM's (Brosnan) memoirs after previous ghost dies. Discovers that the PM was a CIA puppet


by Roger on Sun 30th May 2010 Arts Cinema Plymouth

Review of "The Ghost"

Full review

Very enjoyable thriller, although the obvious Blair parallels rather detracted and the ending disappoints - a sort of coda tacked on after he gets his passport back showing the book launch at which he finally solves the mystery (it was the wife Ruth (Olivia Williams) not the PM who was a CIA puppet) and gets knocked down in an off frame hit and run as the credits roll.