One review on 06 Mar 2016

First Published: 2010



A New Way of Looking at Our World

Authors: Charlie Windsor , Tony Juniper , Ian Skelly 

synopsis extract: What's what and what to do about what's what that should not be and how to recover what should be what.

Kindle Free
Date first read: Sun 6th Mar 2016

Format:   Kindle

Catalogued: 13th Dec 2021


What's what and what to do about what's what that should not be and how to recover what should be what.


Review of "Harmony"

by Roger on Sun 6th Mar 2016.

A really useful review of the state of things and what needs to be done - which identifies a return to a focus on relationship as the key. An attack on scientific materialism and (captialistic) consumption as destructive of the cycle of life and a bit of a call to arms.