Aspect Ratio: 1.85 widescreen
Colour: Colour
Sound: Stereo
Camera: 35mm
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- IMDB -
Loser security guard in a shopping mall, social misfit, is approached by beautiful girl who befriends him. He becomes infatuated and doesn't realise she is the girlfriend of a gangster who wants to get his keys and security codes to rob a jewellery store. Which she does, and he is then set up and ends up in prison without betraying her. Shit hapens.
Shot with intense colours and minimalist dialogue and acting style to underline the existential angst in his life.
by Roger CO on Wed 7th Aug 2024 Streamed proj @ home (Subtitled)
Existential Angst
If Camus had made films this might have been oneFull review
Strangely compelling