One review on 27 Jul 2024

Korea 2009

Running time: 129 mins


Director : Bong Joon Ho 

Setting: Korea
Original language: Korean
Summary: Retarded son is wrongly picked up and jailed for murder of a girl. Mother seeks to find the truth - perhaps not what she was hoping to discover

Aspect Ratio: 2.35 (anamorphic)

Colour: Colour

Sound: Stereo

Camera: 35mm

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First Seen: Sat 27th Jul 2024
Catalogued: 1st Aug 2024


No synopsis available


by rogerco on Sat 27th Jul 2024 DVD proj @ home (Subtitled)

Korean Hitchcock


Ultimately did he do it?

Full review

Poor mother vs Lazy Cops and Justice. The cops are absurdly lacadasical, but that's the point. The atmosphere is great.