Aspect Ratio: unknown
Sound: Talkie
Tech Notes: Camera : 0. Talkie
Film Category
First Seen:
Mon 4th May 2020
Catalogued: 16th Jan 2021
Edwardian country house nonsense
by Roger on Mon 4th May 2020 Streamed proj @ home
Review of "The Go Between"
Full review
Belongs with Wuthering Heights and Brief Encounter (and many more) as English establishment nostalgic propaganda for the status quo. Its all ok cos sometimes relationships across class divides are fruitful. Social mobility is possible so snobbery is ok. No basis is given for any kind of relationship between the Bates character and the Christie one - apart from people saying "he's a bit of a ladies man" - so presumably she is bound to fall for him. The toffs are all unpleasant (to each other and as people) and the plebs are caricatures. (the shot of them sitting on a bench watching the cricket match is particularly insulting). There is nothing of merit here.