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      Wednesday 30th May 2018

      Synopsis extract :
      A Kalahari bushman sets out to return a gift from the gods - a coke bottle that fell from the sky. ...
      Film Category

      Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ Home on 30 May 2018

      Review of "The Gods Must Be Crazy"

      From the mock cheesy travelogue voice over at the beginning to it all turning out alright in the end this is a gem of a comedy. It also manages to be a satirical commentary on many aspects of our western world and a glimpse of bushman life and Southern Africa scenery (but you might want to fact check the gem about rhinos and fire before repeating it as gospel!) Although made in 1980, Botswana and S.Africa then was probably equivalent to the UK in the mid 60s in terms of social attitudes - so don't be put off by what today looks very unsophisticated and unPC comedy - accept it for what it is and laugh out loud with it.

      Friday 18th May 2018


      Son of Saul

      Director : László Nemes

      Synopsis extract :
      Set in a nazi concentration camp following one of the sonderkommando prisoners whose job it was to ...
      Film Category

      Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ home on 18 May 2018

      Review of "Son of Saul"

      Almost all in closeup of Saul's face and an impressive soundscape building an intense atmosphere of random horror.

      Tuesday 1st May 2018

      Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ Home on 01 May 2018

      Review of "Blade Runner 2049"

      Maybe its because I'm 35 years older (or 45 years since I was into Philip K Dick stories) but this is a trivial gratuitous fresh take on the classic. Perhaps if I was 35 years younger it would seem as cool as the original Blade Runner did - but I doubt it as it was still pretty cool when I last saw it about 5 years ago. This one replaces the depth of the original's mise-en-scene with a surface gloss that conveys nothing except its own cleverness. It replaces the characterisations with cardboard cyphers. It replaces the ambiguity with a teenage boy's fantasies of sex and power. If you want to see how modern techniques could be used to good effect in this type of future-present story then check out the New Seoul sequences in Cloud Atlas. If you happen to be a repressed teenage boy you might find this ok, otherwise avoid it.

      Wednesday 18th April 2018


      Taxi Tehran

      Director : Jafar Panahi

      Synopsis extract :
      A picture of life in Tehran from the point of view of a taxi driver - who is the director making ...
      Film Category

      Reviewed by Roger, DVD proj @ home on 18 Apr 2018

      Review of "Taxi Tehran"


      Saturday 31st March 2018

      Synopsis extract :
      Ireland, Cork, two teenage scallys stealing bikes and bunkin off school decide to travel to west ...
      Film Category

      Reviewed by Roger, Netflix proj @ home on 31 Mar 2018

      Review of "The Young Offenders"

      Gloriously funny and dramatic